To meet our written statements of sustainable developing commitment and improve our overall performance, Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa has established specific and measurable goals across key areas of our operations. These goals will be reviewed annually and will be driven by the results of our latest sustainability and environmental performance assessments.

Electricity Efficiency Goals :

  1. Reduce Total Electricity Consumption by 10% Over Five Years (2024 – 2029)
    • Conduct comprehensive energy audits annually to identify areas for improvement.
    • Retrofit all lighting to LED technology within the next two years by 2026.
    • Implement an energy management system to monitor and optimize energy use in real-time.
  1.  Increase Use of Renewable Energy from 10% to 20%  of Total Energy Consumption by 2029:
    • Install solar panels on 30% of the resort’s rooftops within the next three years.
    • Partner with local renewable energy providers to purchase green energy (if any)

Water Conservation Goals:

  1. Reduce Water Usage per Guest / Night by 5% - 10% within 5 years (by 2029)
    • Install low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets in all guest rooms
    • Educate guests and staff on water conservation practices through signage and training.
  1. Achieve 100% Use of Water-Efficient Landscaping by 2026
    • Replace all non-native plants with drought-resistant, native species.
    • Install smart irrigation systems that adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions

Waste Reduction Goals:

Reduce Total Waste Generated by 5% - 10%  Within 5  Years:

    • Implement a comprehensive recycling and composting program.
    • Eliminate single-use plastics across all resort operations within the next year 2025

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Goals:

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 5% -  10% by 2029:

    • Optimize ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for efficiency.
    • Transition to electric or hybrid vehicles for a distance of 50km

Community and Cultural Engagement Goals:

  1. Support Local Community Projects Annually
    • Allocate a minimum of 10,000,000 vnd of profits to local community development projects each year.
    • Partner with local schools and organizations to promote education and cultural heritage.
    • Host community events and workshops focused on sustainability and environmental awareness.
  1. Promote Local Culture and Traditions to Guests
    • Offer cultural tours and experiences that highlight the local heritage.
    • Feature local artisans and products in our resort shops and restaurants.
    • Organize regular cultural performances and events at the resort

Annual Review and Continuous Improvement:

  • Conduct Comprehensive Annual Sustainability Assessments
    • Review and update goals based on the latest assessment results
    • Identify new opportunities for improvement and set new targets accordingly


  • Engage Stakeholders
    • Involve staff, guests, and the local community in our sustainability initiatives.
    • Collect feedback and suggestions to enhance our environmental and social performance.


By setting these specific and measurable goals, Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa aims to make significant progress in meeting our commitments and improving our overall performance. We are dedicated to leading by example in the hospitality industry and creating a positive impact on the environment and our community.


Please see the signed document: Specific Goals of Sustainability 2024 -2030