At Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa, located in the beautiful landscape heritage Hoi An of Vietnam, we are deeply committed to protecting and respecting human rights. We believe that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other status. Our commitment includes:

Preventing Discrimination: We strive to create an inclusive environment that welcomes diversity. We have zero tolerance for discrimination in any form and actively promote equal opportunities for all.

Combating Exploitation: We are dedicated to ensuring that our employees, guests, and local communities are free from exploitation. We adhere to fair labor practices and support initiatives that protect the rights of workers.

Addressing Harassment: We maintain a safe and supportive environment where harassment of any kind is not tolerated. We have established clear policies and reporting mechanisms to address any incidents promptly and effectively.

Promoting Fair Treatment: We are committed to treating all individuals fairly and with respect. Our policies and practices reflect our dedication to ensuring that everyone is given equal consideration and opportunities.

By upholding these principles, we aim to foster a culture of respect and responsibility within our resort and the wider community. We recognize that our actions contribute to the well-being of our employees, guests, and local residents, and we pledge to continue advocating for human rights in all our endeavors.
Together, let us create a positive impact and make Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa a place where everyone feels valued and respected.

Please see the signed document: Commitment To Protecting & Respecting Human Rights