At Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa, we are deeply committed to protecting and supporting biodiversity. Our efforts are driven by a profound respect for the natural world and a dedication to preserving it for future generations. We believe that a thriving natural environment is essential not only for the health of our planet but also for the enjoyment and well-being of our guests & our employees.

Reducing Pollution: We take proactive steps to minimize pollution in all its forms. This includes reducing waste, managing resources efficiently, and implementing sustainable practices throughout our operations. By prioritizing eco-friendly products and processes, we strive to lower our carbon footprint and minimize the impact on the surrounding ecosystems.

Protecting Nature and Wildlife: Our resort is situated in a unique and beautiful natural setting, and we are committed to maintaining the integrity of this environment. We actively participate in conservation efforts, such as habitat restoration and wildlife protection programs. Our team works closely with local environmental organizations to ensure that we are making a positive contribution to the preservation of native species and their habitats.

Sustainable Practices: We adopt sustainable practices across all aspects of our resort operations. From energy-efficient buildings and renewable energy sources to water conservation and waste reduction initiatives, we are constantly seeking new ways to operate more sustainably. We also encourage our guests to join us in these efforts by providing education and opportunities to participate in eco-friendly activities.

Community Engagement: We recognize that protecting biodiversity is a collective effort. We engage with our local community and stakeholders to promote environmental awareness and action. Through partnerships and educational programs, we aim to inspire others to join us in our commitment to protecting the natural world.

Continuous Improvement: Our commitment to biodiversity is an ongoing journey. We regularly assess our environmental impact and seek innovative solutions to enhance our conservation efforts. By staying informed about the latest environmental research and best practices, we ensure that our strategies are effective and impactful.

At Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa, we are dedicated to creating a harmonious relationship between our resort and the natural environment. We invite our guests to experience the beauty of nature while knowing that their stay contributes to the protection and support of biodiversity. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our planet’s precious ecosystems thrive for generations to come.

Please see the signed document: Commitment To Protecting And Supporting Biodiversity