At Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa, we are dedicated to sustainability and the preservation of our natural resources. Water is a vital resource, and we understand the importance of sourcing and using it responsibly. Here’s how we are committed to minimizing the impact of our water sourcing:

1. Efficient Water Management Systems

  • Water Recycling: We direct 100% of our greywater into the city’s treatment system for the city to process and reuse for landscaping and non-potable uses.

  • Low-Flow Fixtures: Our resort is equipped with low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets to reduce water consumption without compromising guest comfort.

2. Sustainable Landscaping Practices

  • Drought-Tolerant Plants: We use native and drought-tolerant plants in our landscaping to reduce the need for irrigation.

  • Smart Irrigation Systems: Our irrigation systems are equipped with sensors and timers to ensure water is used efficiently, only when and where it’s needed.

3. Water Quality Protection

  • Chemical-Free Maintenance: Our resort avoids the use of harmful chemicals in maintaining pools and landscapes, protecting the local water quality.

4.  Guest and Staff Education

  • We conduct regular educational programs for both guests and staff to raise awareness about water conservation practices.

  • Guests are encouraged to participate in our towel and linen reuse programs to reduce laundry-related water usage.

5. Regular Monitoring and Auditing

  • We regularly monitor our water usage and conduct audits to identify areas for improvement. This helps us stay accountable and continuously enhance our water management practices.

6. Collaboration with Local Communities

  • Our resort supports local water conservation initiatives and engages in community projects aimed at protecting and preserving water resources.

By adopting these practices, Almanity Hoi An Resort & Spa aims to lead by example in the hospitality industry, demonstrating that luxury and sustainability can go hand in hand. We are committed to continuously improving our practices to ensure a sustainable future for our resort and the planet.

Please see the signed document: Commitment to Minimising The Impact of Water Sourcing